The minimum Forge version for this update is 2860 and is required for a Pixelmon client to run.
Added EssenceHelper as an easy way to distribute essence via plugin.
TCG now has it's own event bus with five new events! Events include EndGameEvent, EndTurnEvent, StartGameEvent, PackOpenEvent.Pre and PackOpenEvent.Post.
15176 Dynamaxed Pokémon still using Max-Moves after switching out and back in.
Magic Coat and Magic Bounce abilities interacting with eachother.
17214 Fiery Wrath being treated as a single target move.
16401 Throat spray able to see the language properly.
17349 Snap trap able to see the language properly.
16409 NPC trainers can both Mega and Dynamax in the same battle.
16406 Shields in raid dens do not prevent further incoming damage when activated.
17171 Pursuit cancelling switching moves from taking effect.
16406 Raid bosses can restore health at the second shield threshold.
17065 All multi-hit moves bypassing the semi-invulnerable state of Phantom Force.
16917 AZ' Floette never learning Light of Ruin.
17287 Basculegion and Overqwil not registering in the Pokédex.
17280 Targeting trainers with the external option breaks textures.
TCG commands running on servers in non-default worlds.
17284 Clicking Card Binder icon whilst in the GUI crashes the game.
17268 Standard Zorua, Zoroark, Qwilfish, and Decidueye missing shiny sprites.
17271 Basculegion missing shiny model texture.
17267 Qwilfish cannot evolve into Overqwil, despite having a method in the JSON.
17264 Basculin cannot evolve into Basculegion.
TCG card-pack pulls giving the incorrect quantities of various rarities.
17324 Printer doesn't drop photo when destroyed.
17266 New Booster/TCG NPC's do not get generated into external JSONs.
17276 Steel-type raids reward Dragon essence rather than Metal essence.
17273 Regional variant raids drop incorrect essence type.
17269 Empty TCG Deck Holder not in creative menu.
17257 The in-game config considers 1024.0 to be the default Raid Shiny rate for 5 star raids.
17263 Cannot catch anything from raids or obtain drops.
17255 Changes to "Raid shiny rates", "Raid HA rates", and "Raid Gigantamax Factor rates" in the in-game config do not stick.
17236 Unable to use Isi's Silver Hourglasses on Wooloo, Dubwool and Mareep.
17275 Essence resetting upon a player's death.
Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
Updated Traditional Chinese translation.
During thunderstorms, it evolves into Hisuian Sliggoo.
Level 40 Goomy now evolves under rain conditions into Sliggoo.
Please reset your TCG config to ensure you're using the new values!
Essence from battles has been fully reworked with new config options.
Holo-rare cards now have a holographic effect.
High-Definition card foreground assets have been changed to pixelart.
Added /battlelog command to force battle logs to generate for the specified player.
17275 New TCG config setting for essence resetting on death (Default false).
Reset your tcg.cfg as part of this release.
17071 Some multi-hit moves are removing multiple shields on raids.
17089 Z-Mirror Move does not deal damage when copying opponents move.
17095 Contrary ability not causing the opposite effect as it should.
17204 Metronome can call moves it shouldn't, such as Max/G-Moves, and more.
17225 Fell Stinger does not act as a physical contact move.
17226 Weather Ball with Normalium-Z does not apply z-crystal power increase when there is battle-weather present.
17336 When a pokemon has Mold Breaker, Turboblaze or Teravolt uses a damaging move on a Zorua/Zoroark, the illusion will not wear off.
17092 Hidden Power is always normal type when used in G/Dmax.
16337 RequireHM config does not work for Gen1 Pokémon.
17400 Hisuian-Goodra has the same abilities as kalosian form.
17421 Disenchanting cards now properly adds essence.
16945 Raids no longer randomize a Pokémon's form on catch.
Raids now respect the type two essence setting in tcg.cfg.
Regular battles give a notification for when you get essence now.
Reveal glass removed from default boss drops.
Reveal glass recipe center changed to diamond.
Overqwil is no longer a big boi and had his size reduced to be more accurate.